Cláudia Castelo (2016) Reproducing Portuguese Villages in Africa: Agricultural Science, Ideology and Empire, Journal of Southern African Studies, 42:2, 267-281, DOI: 10.1080/03057070.2016.1142732
Cláudia Castelo (2017) Ruy Cinatti, the French–Portuguese mission and the construct of East Timor as an ethnographic site, History and Anthropology, 28:5, 630-652, DOI: 10.1080/02757206.2017.1280672
Cláudia Castelo (2017) African Knowledge and Resilience in Late Portuguese Colonial Empire: The Agro-pastoralists of Southwestern Angola, Portuguese Studies Review, 25:1, 91-118.
Vera Marques Alves e Cláudia Castelo (2018) Between South Africa influence and the Loyalty to the Portuguese Empire: The anthropology of a colonial official in Mozambique (1950-1974), Colloque L'Afrique des savants européens (17e-20e s.), Dakar, 5-7 Fevereiro 2018. [Comunicação]
Cláudia Castelo (2017) A abertura de Timor Português à antropologia social no colonialismo tardio: o papel de Ruy Cinatti, Anuário Antropológico, 42:2, 83-107.
Cláudia Castelo (2018) Gago Coutinho: África portuguesa y la travesía del Atlántico Sur, Boletín Sociedad Geográfica Española, 60, 88-101